Thursday, March 27, 2008

Beware Counterfeit Faith

All this year, I am preaching about the difference it would make if we really tried to follow Jesus, instead of merely being religious. So far, we've focused on one particular aspect of that theme: responding to unbelievers as Jesus did. I hope you got as much out of that sermon series as I did out of preparing it.

But now, let's move on to another part of what it means to follow Jesus: We should really know God, not just know about Him. We should experience a real relationship with a real God which brings us real joy, real purpose and real transformation...instead of just having a set of doctrines we believe, rules we try to follow, and rituals we perform. Ever heard the old cliche, "Christianity isn't a religion, it's a relationship?" That's the general idea, only I don't think many Christians really experience it that way. Relationship is harder than religion. It takes more work, more self-sacrifice. But it is so, so worth it.

Our text for this series (much shorter than the last one; this series will only last four weeks) is Phillipians 3. This week, we'll start by looking at vv. 1-3, as Paul shows us a counterfeit form of faith that can easily distract us from a real relationship with God.

Hope I see you there!


Anonymous said...

Jeff, I am truly excited about your next series. I have listened to most of the last series more than once. (slow learner). Repetition helps me remember.

We will all benefit from the next series!


Anonymous said...

Jeff--God must be really planning something powerful for us! Our current Heart to Hand Bible study is Beth Moore's series "Believing God". It includes a five statement Pledge of Faith. I especially love the first statement, God is who He says He is. To meditate on that is humbling and exciting at the same time. If I may quote Beth,
"Every time you grasp a new concept about God, try thinking, He's this...and more." I can't believe it is mere coincidence that we have this study at the same time you are beginning a new series on Sunday morning. I'm excited to see what happens next.

Jeff Berger said...


So am I.

thePiks said...

I want to thank you for today's sermon. It was so inspiring and definitely from God. You tell us exactly what we need to hear in a loving way and help ignite a desire to live as we should!

Jeff Berger said...

Thank you so much, Brian or Amanda (whichever of you left that message). God's Word is so, so powerful and relevant. It's exciting to dig into it every week and see what we need to do to keep walking in His plan.