Thursday, May 1, 2008

An Open Door to Knowing God

All this year, I have been preaching on the theme, "What if we really followed Jesus?" We've looked at the difference that would make in our relationship with non-believers. We've also looked at how it would affect our relationship with God. But here's a tantalizing thought: What would it look like if an entire church were not merely religious, not simply moral, but were all unaminously, radically committed to following Jesus? Can you imagine such a church?

This Sunday, I'll begin a three-part series on what that kind of church might look like: An Open-Door Church. The first thing about such a church is that it would be a place where people would meet God in worship. Anyone--no matter their background or predispositions--would know in our worship services that God was present and would know that they could have an encounter with Him. How do we get to be that kind of a church? Let's pray together, and we'll talk about it this Sunday!


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Tamara and I have completely resonated with your sermons this year. We pray that God will continue to challenge us to be open to His desire to transform our lives and to be more loving and Christlike in our encounters and our relationships.

We were very grateful that instead of including a few words of biblical challenge in a sermon about the new logo that you included a few comments about the logo in a sermon challenging us to be more like Christ. Too often we have experienced the former.

We are also grateful that you used Revelation 3:20 in context. You are the first pastor either of us have ever heard use the passage in context. And that is a lot of sermons over the years.

We thank God for His prophetic voice as experienced by us in your sermons.

Jeff Berger said...

Thanks Jonathan. Your note is one of the most meaningful compliments I have ever received.