Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Spiritual Vision

One thing I plan to do with this blog is to give you a preview of upcoming sermons, along with a forum for you to interact with me about the messages. So here goes...

The message this Sunday (Nov. 25) is entitled "Spiritual Vision" based on Daniel 10:1-14. It is the last of our Daniel series. We've looked at the uncommon character of Daniel, including his purity, boldness, faith, integrity and prayer. Daniel was a prophet, which meant that he had a unique ability to see the world as God saw it, and a call to communicate God's agenda to the world. Apparently this prophetic gift, this spiritual vision, grew stronger later in life, as the second half of the book of Daniel mainly consists of a series of visions Daniel was given. These visions foretell many of the most important events in God's plan to redeem us, including some stuff that hasn't happened yet.

Most of us do not have the gifts or the calling to be prophets, but I believe God wants all of us to develop the ability to see the world as He does. Think about these questions in preparation for Sunday: How would you and I live differently if we could see everything the way God does? How would it change the way we spend our time? Our money? How would it affect the way we relate to people? How would it change the way we think about world events?

Feel free to add any questions or comments to this post, especially after the message on Sunday. Here's a link to our sermon audio page, in case you'd like to listen to or read the message.

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