Thursday, October 6, 2011

What is a preacher to do?

So what does a preacher do on the weeks he isn't scheduled to preach? This weekend is our annual Faith in Action Day, and this year, we're putting a new twist on the event. Instead of cancelling church and Bible Study to do ministry in our community, we'll be ministering on Saturday and celebrating on Sunday. So in place of my message, our church will hear stories from all fifteen of the groups who will taking the love of Christ outside our walls. It will be a great, great day in God's house.

So with no sermon to prepare, how did I spend my time? Frankly, you might feel like Rhett Butler on the subject, but I'll tell you anyway. As some of you already know, in 2012 we will challenge all Westbury members to take the Radical Experiment. You can find out more by clicking on this link. One of the five challenges will be reading through the entire Bible in a year. My plan is to preach a message each week based on one of the passages our church will be reading that week. So I spent a good bit of time preparing next year's sermon calendar. It's a big task, and I'm only halfway done. But it is also one of the most exciting things I do all year. I can't wait to preach these messages!

So pray for me as I keep on planning, knowing of course that all plans are only as good as God allows them to be. He has the final say-so.

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