Thursday, February 5, 2009

Coming Soon: Heaven!

Don Piper, author of the bestselling 90 Minutes In Heaven, will be speaking at WBC April 3 at 7:00 PM. This event is being co-sponsored by WBC and by Houston Area Baptist Student Ministries. All proceeds from the love offering will got to benefit student work in Houston. This is a great event to invite friends from outside the church. So we’ve designed an e-invitation for you to use. You can find it on our website under “Media and Forms.” Click on “E-invitations.”

That event will be smack in the middle of a sermon series I’m planning called “The Truth About Heaven.” We’re working on designing something you can use to invite friends to this series, including all the sermon titles (Including, “Myths About Heaven” “What is Heaven?” “What Happens to us When We Die?” and several others). We’ll get those “hard copy” invitations to you as soon as we finish them. In the meantime, be praying for these events and thinking of people who you’d like to invite.


Anonymous said...

Sounds like a great series on heaven! Wonder if the sermon schedule (sermon titles and dates) could be published in the local newspaper?
LBJ(Loved by Jesus)

Jeff Berger said...

Great idea! I'll look into it.

Anonymous said...

Hi Jeff, Just a thought . . . have you considered having this event mentioned on KSBJ? They have a free events calendar on-line and they also can do 15 second spot announcements. The minimum is 5 spots @ $75 each ($375). They can write it for you or you can submit the verbiage. It really is a good deal considering the amount printed ads cost today. Also several other TV stations like Channel 13 have a free on-line events calendar you can post events on. Just a thought. Thanks, Susan Nutter

Jeff Berger said...

Great idea, Susan. I will look into it. Of course, advertising on KSBJ will reach mostly Christians. I would hope we could do some other advertising (such as the channel 13 idea) that would address a broader crowd.

Anonymous said...

Is this the author of the book that did his show in the taped broadcast on the television monitors in the Chapel at Fellowship of the Woodlands last year? Is he the one that was dead by the road with a tarp over him? The message at the other church was a pre-recorded message and the minister was given pre-rehearsed questions. Your church is very lucky to actually get to meet the man. Ask him for me why would God let somebody die, go to Heaven, and send him back? Is that from the Book of Mormon? I thought reading the Bible was more inspiring and believable. Maybe God sent him back to earth to kill trees or waste recycled paper writting that entertaining book.